
2011年12月29日 星期四


Mai in lingerie and red socks

西田麻衣寫真傲人雙峰盡情暴露西田麻衣曾在藝能事務所Space Craft主辦的“泳裝偶像選拔賽2006”中獲得大獎,她是從大型選秀活動出道的18歲偶像新人時拍攝了寫真DVD《麻衣,19歲》,偶像女星西田麻衣於06年以泳裝模特身份出道,此後還出演過電視劇《魔法老師》,另外發行過《純情微笑》等不少寫真DVD作品,長相甜美,擁有F罩杯巨乳的西田 ...

Mai in lingerie and red socks against the wallMai in lingerie and red socks beside the pillowMai in lingerie and red socks breast exposedMai in lingerie and red socks buttocks exposedMai in lingerie and red socks cleavage exposedMai in lingerie and red socks feet raisedMai in lingerie and red socks fingers upMai in lingerie and red socks hand on lipsMai in lingerie and red socks hand on the buttocksMai in lingerie and red socks hand on the faceMai in lingerie and red socks hand on the feetMai in lingerie and red socks hands upMai in lingerie and red socks head shotMai in lingerie and red socks knee on the couchMai in lingerie and red socks knees apartMai in lingerie and red socks leaning on pillowsMai in lingerie and red socks on the bedMai in lingerie and red socks on the couchMai in lingerie and red socks on the poleMai in lingerie and red socks profile shotMai in lingerie and red socks resting on bedMai in lingerie and red socks sitting on bedMai in lingerie and red socks standing

